The world of organizations will be radically reshaped, by two tremendous forces:

  • Disruptive innovations, encouraging a rapidly growing amount of start-ups to develop completely different business models at low cost. Not only they use new technologies, they also use lean methodologies, social platforms and levered assets which enables them to become a serious global competitor within no time.
  • New stage of human consciousness, increasing the need of wholeness. People want to be inspired and empowered, their work to be meaningful, their company to be social responsible, as a result of which different organisational models arise, such as self managed holocracies. 

What does this mean business wise:

  • Questioning of business models: do companies need to reinvent themselves or at least make a new version of themselves
  • Change of the strategy to action process into a fast and continuously adapting process, where we adjust when we learn. (action based learning)
  • Redesign of the company models, into flat, lean and self managed models
  • Change of company culture becoming more engaging, humane, soulful, purposeful and focused on stimulating innovation, creativity, flexibility and agility
  • Change of performance management systems into short ‘learning from feedback’ cycles, utilising a mixture of intrinsic motivation, peer-pressure and market demands
  • And above all: The position of people in companies will change. There is a huge opportunity for HR to become leading in this era where people (work force, customer, stakeholder) will become the distuinguishing power